NSC Projects and Programs

National and International youth and sport summer camp

As part of our efforts to promote early childhood development in sports, and to prevent young people from involving in social ills such as crime, drug abuse and other negative behaviors during the summer holiday, NSC and NYC organize a youth and sports camp. The hosting of the said annual event rotates among the seven regions of The Gambia.

Activities during this event are designed to provide mentoring to the identified youth in addition to the after school programs. Also, campers are engaged in sports programs/activities such as football, basketball, Volleyball, cricket and athletics, but also receive tutorials on emerging issues such irregular migration, importance of education, human rights, life skills, community service among others.

Participants to the camp are identified from the regions through the decentralized structures of the two Councils.

May Day Sports

The May Day Mass Sports is an annual program of the National Sports Council aimed at bringing workers together in a sporting environment in commemoration of the International Workers Day.

Part of the objectives of the event is to encourage healthy lifestyles for the citizenry who ordinarily, would not take part in sports and physical exercise as a means of keeping fit; to enhance knowledge on ethics of sports; to use sports as a unifying force; to enhance the passion for sports and sports related activities and to us sport as a means to break barriers of discrimination of any form in our society.

Capacity Building

capacity building is at the core of sports development.  It is our fervent belief that one of the surest ways to develop Gambian sport is through capacity building. In view of this, the NSC has been involved and will continue to build the capacity of sport stakeholders.

Sport for Health

Despite the well known benefits of physical activity, a good number of Gambians do not seem to have time for physical exercise. As such, the National Sport Council conceived the idea of organising the annual Sports For Health. The annual three day program targets the working class, mores o those who hardly take part in any physical exercise. During the three days, participants are engaged in sport activities such as athletics, football, volleyball potato race and bicycle race among others.

Provision of sport equipment

It goes without saying that one can only do sport if they have the required equipment. Given this, the NSC has high on its agenda, the provision of sport equipment to regional Sport Committees, National Sport Associations, and other sport bodies.

Construction and refurbishment of sport facilities

The NSC places a lot of emphasis on the need for the availability of suitable infrastructure. Given this, the NSC has been involved in the refurbishment and construction of sport facilities across the country.