Who We Are?

About Us

The National Sports Council (NSC) was established by an Act of the National Assembly in the year 2000 to register and regulate national sport associations, coordinate, supervision, develop, promote sports in the Gambia. The NSC is funded by the Central Government through monthly subvention.

The Council (Board of Directors) of the NSC is headed by a Chairman appointed by the Honorable Minister of Youth and Sports in addition to three other members, two of whom must be women, appointed by the Hon. Minister.

Other members of the Council (Board of Directors) are the representative of MoBSE, Directorate of Planning and Programs of MoYS and the Chairpersons of the seven Regional Sport Committees.


The National Sports Council is the supreme council of sports in the country charged with the following functions and responsibilities:

a) Advise the Minister on matters relating to sports

b) Act as the main promotional and coordinating agency of sports in the country

c) Strengthen the cohesion among the various structures of The Gambia Sports Association and other Sporting Organizations

d) Act as the approving body for the registration of National Sports Associations

e) Assist in co-ordination, monitoring and evaluating the implementation and impact of the programmes within the policy framework

f) Develop, promote and co-ordinate all forms of amateur and professional sports at the national and international levels

g) Promote the diversification of sports to all parts and at all levels in the country

h) Ensure that the National Sports Association at all levels conform to the national and international rules, regulations, norms, standards and codes of conduct governing the particular sport

i) Encourage the development, provision and maintenance of sports facilities for all concerned and ensure their equitable distribution and proper use

j) Assist registered National Sports Associations in the recruitment of competent coaches, instructors and their technical assistants in building capacity and enhancing performance in sports

k) Offer assistance to migrant Gambian sports persons in their engagements in foreign countries

l) Raise and maintain a fund from such sources and by such means as the Minister may approve to enable the council to carry out its functions and achieve its goals

m) Administer the All Africa Games and all other sporting programmes organised by the Supreme Council for Sports in Africa or other recognised bodies

n) Administer and manage the Sports Development Fund