Administrator of Sierra Leone Paralympics Committee Visits NSC

Four Officials from the Sierra Leone Paralympic Committee, headed by Mr. Touray, the Administrator of the SPC, yesterday visited the National Sport Council office at the Independence Stadium, Bakau.

Introducing the visitors, the Secretary General of the Gambia Paralympic Committee, Mr. Sainey Camara, stated that the visiting team was in town to render support to the Gambia Paralympics Committee in any way they could but also learn best practices from their Gambian counterparts. He added that the team visited the NSC as the governing body for sport in the country but also supporter of the GNPC and her programs.

Speaking earlier, the administrator of the Sierra Leonian Paralympic Committee, Mr. Touray, told the NSC that the purpose of their visit was to look into the operational system, organizational set up and also familiarize themselves with the guiding principles of the Gambia Paralympic Committee. This he said, will afford them more ideas and strategies in the execution of their duties.

For his part, the Deputy Executive Director of the Gambian National Sport Council, Mr. Mahmoud Lamin Jawla , thanked the officers for choosing to come to The Gambia, out of all the countries in the subregion. He told them that the NSC was delighted to receive them. Mr. Jawla added that the NSC has noted with pride, the successes registered by GNPC over the years. These he noted, were as a result of concerted efforts of all stakeholders and government in particular.

Furthermore, he advised the visitors to continue working towards advancing the interests of the athletes as they are central to the activities and programs of both NPCs. “I also urged you to continue the collaboration in order to be able to enhance the performance of the athletes as well as strengthen the ties between our two countries”, Jawla concluded.