MOYS Support’s Hand with Two Million Dalasis

The Ministry of Youth and Sports (MOYS) through the National Sports Council (NSC) presented two Million dalasi to the U20 Handball Team’s International Tournament.

In a bid to increase Gambia’s presence on the international handball stage, the Minister of Youths and Sports, Badjie, announced a substantial financial support package for the Gambia under 20 national handball team. The team is slated to compete in the upcoming international handball U20 competition in Mauritania, scheduled to take place from May 13th to 20th, 2024.

Speaking at the handing over ceremony held at the Independence Stadium in Bakau, Minister Badjie reiterated the government’s unwavering commitment to nurturing and promoting sports in the Gambia. He expressed confidence in the abilities of the U20 team and urged them to showcase discipline and determination throughout the competition. The Minister’s remarks underscored the significance of sports in fostering national pride and unity.

Speaking earlier, Mr. Mahmoud Lamin Jawla, Ag. Executive Director of the National Sport Council encouraged the team to make the best of the opportunity, adding that they are expected to be good agents and ambassadors of the country during the tournament.

On his part, President of the Handball Association of the Gambia, Mr King Colley, expressed profound gratitude to the Ministry for their support. Colley highlighted the strides made under his leadership, emphasizing the association’s dedication to enhancing the sport of handball in the country. He noted that significant investments had been made in organizing competitions and providing financial assistance to players, including a generous allowance of D15,000 per player, along with specialized Terra shoes.’

“I am committed to setting a high standard of excellence within the association,” Colley remarked. “We are proud to support our young players as they embark on this international journey, and I have every confidence that they will represent the Gambia with distinction.”

The financial assistance provided by the Ministry of Youths and Sports underscores the government’s proactive approach to promoting sports development at the grassroots level. As the U20 handball team prepares to compete on the international stage, the nation rallies behind them, buoyed by the collective hope for success and recognition on the global platform.

The ceremony was chaired by Ag. Executive director and two million dalasi was transferred to the handball associations account before the formal handing over ceremony.