The May Sports Banquet, one of the most eagerly awaited events on the annual Labour Day celebration commonly known as May Day, took place over the weekend at Paradise Suites Hotel, in Kololi.
Among the guests who attended the banquet are Director of employment at the Ministry of Trade Regional Integration and Employment, Chairman of the National Sports Council, representative of the Georg Gomez Foundation, director of both National Youth Council and President International Awards Scheme and staffs of institutions that registered for May Day Sports 2024.
The acting Executive Director of the National Sport Council, Mahmoud Lamin Jawla, thanked all for gracing what he called an overwhelmingly important event of the annual May Day Sports. Mr. Jawla went on to thank the staff of the Council for their dedication and commitment in staging May Day Sports 2024. He also urged those present at the Banquet to take up sports as part of their regular activities.
Speaking earlier, the Chairman of the National Sport Council, Mr. Lamin S. Jawara thanked the institutions in entrusting NSC with the responsibility of organizing May Day Sports promised to give his best. He was quick to call on government, private sector and all sport enthusiasts to support the NSC in organizing May Day Sports.
The May Day Banquet is a special opportunity to recognize, reward encourage employees and employers to take up sports seriously.
This year, Gambia Armed Forces (GAF) clinched the overall winner’s trophy, Volleyball both Male and Female followed by Gambia Police Force. period under consideration runs from November 2022 to September 2023 for the men’s categories and from December 2022 to November 2023 for the women’s categories.
The overall winner’s trophy was sponsored by the Georg Gomez Foundation, as the founder of the May Day Sports.