National Sport Council Trains Sport Stakeholders

The National Sport Council this morning, started a capacity building training program for sport stakeholders at the Ding Ding Federation Lodge in Bwiam.

The three day training which brought together about thirty sport administrators from within the five districts of Foni, is funded by the International Trade Center.

During the period, the participants will be tutored on effective communication; good governance; leadership; FIFA Code of Conduct; decision making and problem solving among other topics.

Delivering his statement, Mr. Lamin S. Jawara reminded participants of their roles and pledged the support of the NSC at all times.

Speaking earlier, Mr. Marchel Mendy, Executive Director of the National Sport Council encouraged participants to make the best of the opportunity, adding that they are expected to be agents of change at the end of the training.

“It is expected that at the end of this training, you will be equipped enough to be more efficient in the execution of your duties. In view of this, I challenge you capitalize on this opportunity and learn as much as you can”, Mendy urged.

Other speakers at the opening of the capacity building training included Mr. Saikou Sanyang, the Chairman of West Coast Sport Committee and Ms Binta Sallah, Project Assistant at the ITC.